World Usability Day Estonia

Mana pirmā UX konference un pirmā konference ārzemēs. Kopumā ļoti izdevies pasākums, kur ieguvu praktiski lietojamas zināšanas, resursus un iepazinu pāris lieliskus cilvēkus.

Dodoties uz konferencēm workshopi ir baigā lieta un vienmēr kāds jāapmeklē - tā ir daudz lielāka iespēja sapazīties ar cilvēkiem. (Bet nevajag sēdēt aizmugurē - tur sēž visnemotivētākie cilvēki)

Vitaly Friedman - Frustrating design patterns workshop and talk

Workshop dokuments

Cik saprotu, Vitālijs ir šīs konferences ilggadējais runātājs “superzvaigzne”. Viņa prezentācijas un pilnas dienas workshopa pamatā bija izmisumu raisoši dizaina risinājumi - pārsvarā navigācija, filtrēšana un citi.

Par izaicinājumu navigācijai Vitālijs izmantoja vienu no saviem projektiem - sakārtot Eiropas parlamenta mājaslapas.

EP project design brief

Pačatoju ar Dimitris un izrādās, ka viņš ir dzirdējis par Vitaly un teica, ka viņa idejas netika ieviestas “for accessibility reasons”. Fun story, bro.


Arī izaicinājumu filtriem Vitālijs paņēma no reāla projekta - finviz screener - akciju filtru.

Financial screener design brief

Good example of sidebar filtering: Stockholm University

Ko es paņēmu no viņa procesa

CALM protocol - ask the user when (s)he is stumbling or struggles, not the whole time. That will keep the in the flow and you’ll get your problems out anyway.

Link underlines are the BEST

A cool free time activity: pick a country and a sector and look at the websites

Grouping = we are good at it
Naming = we are really bad at it

There is a big group of people who will never see your autocomplete, because they look at the keyboard while they type.


Mainstream started thinking about accessibility around 5-7 years ago
Now environmental impact is becoming the default “must have”

Good example for both is

Managing stakeholders

You want to talk in their language about design. Argue with their arguments.
When you start a project, create design KPIs.

Top task analysis

Top tasks trainig presentation

and article

  1. identify all potentially important tasks.
  2. verify the tasks with stakeholders.
  3. get least 400 voters to vote on these tasks by a randomized-order survey of “choose top 5 things important to you”
  4. sort all tasks based on votes.
  5. watch out for typical voting patterns.
  6. start by sorting top 50% of the overall vote.
  7. get 30 people to sort tasks into groups (individually).
  8. develop navigation hypothesis, test it in 3 rounds. Use SUS scale to measure. In SUS you want to be > 68%
  9. continue with the rest of level 1, then dive deeper.
  10. test the same instructions over a long period of time.

Check if you have roles who’s tasks do not overlap - that may change the information architecture.

Pārējās runas no konferences

Pair up user researcher with a designer. Researcher cares about the problem, designer - solution. Service design thinks about the overall problem.

User researcher leads the session, in exploration he leads the process, in solution testing he looks for questions how to get designers answers

Maps are most useful for communication to create alignment.
/ Zoom in and zoom out

Design for the root problem
/ Sustainable UX

The planet will survive, it is us that will not.
/ Sustainable UX

Products are embedded in bigger systems, we need to move from designing for the user to including humanity and environment
/ Sustainable UX

80% of emissions are determined during the design phase
/ Sustainable UX

Stop a bit when you design and think about what could be the unforeseen consequences your design might make.
/ Design ethically


The component gallery
Website Carbon Calculator
UX Tools
A better segmented control article
Team Blind - an anonymous professional network
Smart interface design patterns - Vitaly’s baby

Critical design - books about speculative, capitalistic design
Ethics theories: deontological and utilitarianism ethics

Design guide for localisation

Sustainable UX network

Design Ethically


Frustrating Design Patterns workshop resources
System Usability Scale
Top tasks trainig presentation