The Speed Reading Book by Tony Buzan

Praktiska pielietojuma grāmata, lai sāktu lasīt ātrāk, un uzlabotu satura uztveršanas spējas, arī lielā lasīšanas ātrumā.

  • back-skipping is bad reading practice. Avoid!

The Metronome Training Method

1. Read normally

Read normally for five minutes from a book which you will be able to continue using. Record your words per minute on a Progress Graph.

2. Train with a light book

Use any book (light material) of your choice, preferably one in which you are interested.
Aim for as much comprehension as possible, but remember that this exercise is primarily concerned with speed. In this exercise, you should continue reading from the last point you reached.

  1. Practice-read for one minute at 100 wpm faster than your highest normal speed
  2. Practice-read 100 wpm faster than 1.
  3. Practice-read 100 wpm faster than 2.
  4. Practice-read 100 wpm faster than 3.
  5. Practice-read 100 wpm faster than 4. using High Speed Practice 1
  6. Practice-read with comprehension for one minute from the point reached at the end of previous speed. Calculate and record your wpm on a Progress Graph.

3. High Speed Practice 1

  1. Use any easy book. Start from the beginning of a chapter
  2. Practice-read with visual aid, three lines at a time at a minimum of 2000 wpm for five mnutes. Mark the point where you stop.
  3. Re-read to mark in four minutes
  4. Re-read to mark in three minutes
  5. Re-read to mark in two minutes
  6. Read on from mark, form same comprehension as at 2., for five minutes
  7. Read for normal comprehension for one minute. Record your wpm on your Progress Graph.

4. High Speed Practice 2

  1. Using any easy book, start at the beginning of a chapter.
  2. Scan for one minute, using visual aid and taking four seconds per page.
  3. Practice-read from the beginning at a minimum of 2000 wpm for five minutes.
  4. Repeat this exercise when possible
  5. Read for normal comprehension for one minute. Record your wpm on your Progress Graph.

5. Exercise your eyes

Exercise your eyes by moving them on horizontal and vertical planes diagonally upper left to lower right, and then upper right to lower left. Speed up gradually, day by day. The purpose of this exercise is to train your eyes to function more accurately and independently.

6. Turning pages

Practice turning 100 pages at approximately two seconds per page. moving your eyes very rapidly dow the page. Do this in two two-minute sessions.

7. Repeat as time allows

  1. Practice as fast as you can for one minute, not worrying about comprehension
  2. Read with motivated comprehension - one minute
  3. Calculate and record your wpm on your Progress Graph.